The Zen of Staying Focused

How many times have you found yourself constantly distracted by the many things in life that you really don’t find that enjoyable?

Work, traffic, finances, relationship woes – these are just a few examples!

It seems more and more difficult to stay focused on what really matters most…

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Peace
  • Financially sound decisions (yes – even after the holidays gobbled through your bank accounts)
  • Well-thought gifts for the coming year (not necessarily the most expensive ones)
  • Fun
  • Laughter
  • Time with loved ones

TIME – that’s what it really all boils down to!

I find it difficult some days to not get sucked into the daily, hourly – and sometimes even more frequent – distractions.

Some things that help me are:

  • take time each day to relax and to just “be” – take 10 minutes whenever you can get it – mine is in the morning, usually, with a cup of tea or coffee
  • decide what you really want to get done each day and figure out how to get it done, just that one thing that you really want to erase off your list (a tip from Leo Babauta). Right now it’s 1:59pm and I am stealing a few minutes to myself to do something I love – blogging
  • turn off the email, twitter, facebook, or phone – hang out with family or friends in an unplugged state {*yikes*}
  • limit, or do away with completely, the tendency to multi-task – focus on doing one thing at a time and enjoy the motions of actually doing it (another ‘mindfulness’ tip from Leo Babauta)

Bullets 2 and 4 above go hand in hand, but they’re not necessarily the same thing. One has to do with not overloading your plate – choose one thing that you must get done each day and when it’s done, allow yourself to feel the accomplishment of it. Where the other one has to do with enjoying each task that you do throughout the day individually and mindfully as you are doing the task itself.

Take time to enjoy your life – not as it passes you by – but before it passes you by!

Do you have tips for our readers on how you handle the distractions in your life? Leave them in the comments – we’d love to hear from you!

Need help on staying focused? Try out my 13-day free email course entitled Do Your One Thing.
