How to Reinvent Yourself

Have you ever wondered, I mean truly wondered, how to reinvent yourself?

If you gave some thought to the idea, you’d realize there are a bajillion {why, yes, this is the technical term} different ways to reinvent yourself.

You could get a makeover – new hair, new clothes, or new makeup style

You could do all three and truly step out into the world looking, and feeling, like a brand new person.

Buy a new car, move to a new humble abode, get a new job.

Yep, yep, and yep.

These are all ways to reinvent yourself externally.

But have you ever tried to reinvent yourself internally?

It’s not as easy, not as simple.

If it was easy, everybody would be doing it.

Not happy? Dream up a new way of thinking about things or of looking at your lot in life!

Feeling lonely? Muster up the courage to go to a public place and introduce yourself to new people, lots of new people.

Feeling bored? Do something daring, or extreme even. Sky diving, anyone?

Itching to try something new?

Uh, why don’t you just try it?

What’s the worst that can happen?

No really…

What’s the worst thing that could happen if you try your hand at golf, take up woodworking, learn to play the guitar, practice speaking in a new language, or … write that book that’s been tumbling around in your head for years now?

You might fail.

You may discover that you don’t like golf that much anyway {didn’t someone famous once say that “golf is a good walk spoiled”?}.

You may find that toiling over a computer hammering out word after word is really monotonous, boring, and kind of hard work. All for what? A book that you’ll never let anyone read anyway? {*I, myself, wrote my first book in November 2013…through gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair, I’m finally releasing it in October 2014. But only after I released another, shorter, much less personally terrifying book in June as a trial run – sorta dipping my toes in the water, so to speak!}


You could decide that you enjoy your newfound hobby so much that it redefines you.

Hey – it could even reinvent you.

Now, isn’t that a beautiful thought to behold?

So, what’s stopping you this time?

Take the plunge and go for it!

Tell me all about it in my free public Facebook group – Do Stuff You Love.


**I’m launching a new book entitled Why Do We Have to Reinvent Everything? For the record, I’m not referring to reinventing ourselves in this book. The focus of the book is on reinventing ‘things’ like work, processes, appliances, movies, music, and technology. It’s an exciting ride, er, read! It’s available now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and possibly even your local bookstore!