It’s About Time!!

Do you spend your time actually doing activities that you L-O-V-E?

Why not?

Do you know how precious your time really is?

TIME – it’s our most precious asset.

If you think it will last forever,

that you’ll never run out of it,

that you can buy more,

steal more,

find more,

or even worse –

save it for later.

You’re sorely mistaken.

When our time is up, it’s up. Period.

If you’re prone to saying, “I’ll do that when…” {insert fun-delaying statement here, such as: “when I get that promotion”, “when we can afford it”, “when the kids grow up”, “when the kids go off to college”, or my favorite, “when there’s more time or things have slowed down a bit”}, then you live in a delusional world that Does. Not. Exist!

Life’s Too Short to save all of your special moments for “Someday”.

Because “Someday” doesn’t exist on the calendar – but TODAY does!

Today is a gift – so get out there and unwrap it!