Time is My Arch Enemy

Now I know why TIME is my message to the world.

It’s my nemesis.

My arch enemy.

My Joker.

My {insert some other comic book bad guy here – Loki, anyone?}.

That’s a helluva revelation, you know?

I’ve said it before that I’m a student of my own teaching, but just now, right now, I wrote the above sentences.

Eye-opening, isn’t it?!?

I’ve not posted in quite some time and that’s about to change. So if we aren’t really internet soulmates, now’s the time to unsubscribe. You won’t hurt my feelings (much). I want you to be receiving bundles of love in your inbox that speak to YOU.

I do solemnly promise though that I’m not going to clutter your inbox up with daily posts. I may not even send out a post on a routine weekly basis. But I’ll likely be espousing my teachings and wisdom-nuggets on TIME a few times each month.

Let’s do this!

Do you have a love affair or an ‘at arms length’ relationship with TIME?

I’ve been dubbed a Time Thief Ninja Slayer by some of my cohorts – – and even I struggle with good time management skills. I get loads of productive things done each and every day, but sometimes it’s not really the best things I should could have invested my time in.

Squirrels are real

It could be the newest iPhone game I downloaded, Facebook, texts with eight of my bestest buddies, work that I’ve avoided doing for so long that it has become a burden weighing upon my shoulders like a yolk on oxen, or just a toxic relationship that I’ve allowed to consume me.

I’m guilty of getting distracted at times and of not staying grounded in my own Priority Zone – GASP!

So how do I refocus my energy and reprioritize my own thoughts and actions? By listening to my own advice, of course. I am a product of what I teach. Which really means that I teach what I most need to learn.

If you know my story, you know I’ve lost a son and that moment redefined my priorities forever. But it is still so easy for me to fall back into old patterns and habits of overextending myself, overcommitting, and saying YES to doing too much.

Authentic Transparency

I thrive on the chaos of a hectic and busy life at work. Therefore, outside of my corporate gig I prefer a slower paced groove.

I have a reputation amongst my peers at work for being someone who is always going and doing and living life to the fullest. But that is because they only hear about the things I GO and DO and ENJOY and LIVE.

They don’t process, or hear, that I spend many nights chillaxing on my sofa or in my hot tub or with my family. And that’s okay. I do all of the things that I do for me and for those I hold dearest.

But … I still end up making choices in my life that cause me to not have enough time to invest into many of the wonderful people who are very high on my list of people that I truly care for and about, and deeply want to spend more time with.

And that frustrates me. Because I wholeheartedly believe that a life lived with no regrets is the best life to have lived!

So what am I going to do differently in my decision making so that happens less and less often? I will consciously choose to make more discerning choices with who gets my time.


Did you know you can do this, too?

Yes, it’s true. You can make conscious and deliberate choices with where and who you spend your time.

It’s quite amazing when you give yourself permission to make your own choices in each and every scenario presented to you.

It’s a powerful way to live a life of no regrets.

That is, after all, what I’m striving for every day.

Forget perfection, that’s unattainable. Forget over-stressing, overanalyzing (you just hush right now, you know who you are!), and over-committing, that’s unenjoyable.

Be indomitable. That’s one of my words for 2019. It basically takes discerning up a fiery little ole notch – sounds like fun to me!

Join me on this ride. Together we’ll live each day a little more discerning (indomitably so, I might add!), a little more deliberately, and a little less stressed!


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